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What are the causes and solutions for the high temperature alarm shutdown of screw air compressors?

Reason 1: Check if the lubricating oil level in the oil separator is too low.

Solution: Under normal circumstances, the lubricating oil level in the oil separator should be between the upper and lower scale lines. If it is lower than the lower scale line, add more oil, and if it is higher than the upper scale line, drain some of it.

screw air compressor

Reason 2: The oil cooler is dirty and clogged on the outside or has serious carbon deposits on the inside, which leads to poor heat dissipation and reduces heat dissipation efficiency.

Solution: Clean compressed air should be used to back-purge the outside of the cooler regularly to ensure smooth heat dissipation. Carbon deposits inside the cooler must be cleaned by professional technicians using professional cleaning agents.

Reason 3: The oil filter core is clogged, resulting in insufficient lubricating oil entering the engine head, causing high temperature.

Solution: Check whether the oil filter has reached the end of its service life and replace it with a new one.

Reason 4: The temperature control valve element is damaged, causing the oil to enter the engine head directly without passing through the cooler, causing high temperature.

Solution: Check the temperature control valve element, clean the valve core, and replace it if it is damaged.

Reason 5: The cooling fan motor or blades are damaged and cannot dissipate heat, resulting in high temperature.

Solution: Check whether the fan motor can start normally and replace the damaged blades.

Reason 6: The ambient temperature is too high, causing high temperature.

Solution: Check whether the ambient temperature of the room where the air compressor is located exceeds the specified suction temperature of the air compressor. Under normal circumstances, the suction temperature of the air compressor does not exceed 45°C

Reason 7: Temperature sensor failure, false alarm causing high temperature shutdown.

Solution: Remove the temperature sensor probe and check whether the temperature displayed by the main controller is consistent with the ambient temperature. If not, a new one must be replaced.

Note: Make sure that the lubricating oil used in the air compressor is the original oil of the air compressor manufacturer. Air compressor oils from different manufacturers must not be mixed.