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What are the specific ways to utilize the waste heat of screw air compressors?

The waste heat utilization of screw air compressors has many uses, which can not only help enterprises save energy, but also improve energy efficiency. The following are the main uses of waste heat utilization of screw air compressors:

1. Making hot water:

One of the most common uses of screw air compressor waste heat recovery is to make hot water, especially in industries with relatively poor working environments such as casting, metallurgy and mineral mining.

The recovered air compressor waste heat can heat tap water to 50℃~60℃ for workers to take a bath, thus solving the daily water needs of employees.

2. Boiler preheating or independent use:

For factories and mines that independently configure boilers for heating, the waste heat of the screw air compressor can be used to preheat the boiler in advance, or used alone to further reduce energy consumption.

3. Heat used in the production of reverse osmosis pure water:

Industries such as food and beverage, semiconductors, and pharmaceutical chemicals require a large amount of reverse osmosis pure water in their production processes.

Pure water needs to be produced at a specific temperature of 25°C. When the water temperature is lower than this temperature, fuel is required to heat it up. Recovering the waste heat of the screw air compressor for the production of pure water can reduce fuel consumption and the investment cost of heating equipment.

4. Heat for heating:

In the Yangtze River Basin and northern regions, heating is needed in winter. Recovering the waste heat of the screw air compressor for heating can save energy consumption, reduce the installed capacity of the boiler, and further reduce equipment investment.

5. Steam generator utilizes waste heat:

The steam generator converts the waste heat of the engine oil into steam energy, which can be used for heating or other process purposes, making full use of the waste heat.

6. Heating purposes:

In some actual cases, the waste heat recovery system of the screw air compressor is used for heating, replacing traditional burners or hot water boilers to provide constant temperature and heating needs for painting workshops, offices and employee dormitories. This not only reduces energy costs, but also achieves significant energy saving and emission reduction effects.

screw air compressors


By rationally utilizing the waste heat of screw air compressors, companies can significantly reduce energy consumption and operating costs, while also contributing to green and sustainable development.